Tag Archives: Almond

Things I Cannot Live Without

7 Nov


Sorry it has been so long since I posted! It has been all sort of crazy around my house lately!

ANYWAYS! As I was walking around my house, making my grocery list, I thought of all the things I absolutely Cannot live without! These things are what help me to stay on track with my healthy lifestyle! So, I thought I would share them with you!

1.Justin’s Maple Almond Nut Butter

Seriously guys, this stuff is the best! Almond Butter is the shizz alone, but this just really hits the spot! It REALLY fills you up! I always add it to my breakfast, which leads us up to #2!

2. Organic Oatmeal

I like to eat complex carbs, because it gives my body what it needs to run, and it is also filling! So I like to start my morning with Greenwise organic oatmeal! If I am in a sweet mood, I will have the maple brown sugar! I love love LOVE to pair my oatmeal with Almond Butter, and sometimes I will use Almond milk instead of water.

3. Almond Breeze Unsweetened Almond Milk

My tummy is a little sensitive to milk, so I tried this about a year ago and I LOVE it! It is soooo low in calories, and can be used in cookie recipes, cake recipes, oatmeal, the possibilities are endless!

4. Tea

I do get a sweet tooth just like every other person on the planet, and when I do, I turn to my tea to help me! I will normally add some stevia too!

5. Stevia

I know that most people say to just quit artificial sweeteners entirely, which I agree that it will help you to crave less sugar in the long run, but I do think that some sweeteners are harmless. Sweeteners like Equal and Splenda can be addictive and do more harm than good, but as of yet, I have found no harm with Stevia!

6. My Tumbler

I know it seems silly, but this is something I carry EVERY WHERE! I love my tumbler because it reminds me to drink water and stay hydrated!

7. YurBuds ear buds

These are by far the best ear buds for running, or any sport. Not only do they have great sound, but, they really NEVER fall out of your ear. Worried about ear size? These bad boys come with different ear pieces in different sizes! I love them so much! Whos doesnt love a colorful pair of earphones that you don’t have to fumble with!

8. Phone Armband

I absolutely love my armband. I can keep my phone with me through my run, in case of any emergency I have or my family does. It also has a key holder, so I never have to leave the house unlocked! I like to plug in and get some music going to really push my runs, and beat record time on RunKeeper!

9. Magazines

While there is plenty of sites to look at in order to obtain healthy lifestyle information, there is nothing like sitting in bed, in a bath, by the pool, what have you, reading a magazine! Sometimes, you just gotta get away from the screen!

10. Slippers

Haha, this one I have just recently come to enjoy. So as you all well know, running is an high impact sport. So, sometimes you get sore! After my shower, I like to put lotion on my feet and slip them into my slippers so they feel pampered!

Those are my must haves of the moment! I am sure there are more, I just haven’t thought of them yet! Or simply haven’t encountered it yet!

What are somethings that help you continue and maintain your healthy lifestyle? Leave a comment below and let me know!

Sparkle and Shine!

Kelsie ❤