Tag Archives: no meat

Day #1 of being a Weekday Veggie

15 Oct







So recently I was watching a TED talk series on Netflix titled “Chew on this”, and one of the speakers was commenting on meatless Monday and what made him become a weekday veggie. In a nutshell, his reasoning for being vegetarian for the weekdays, and eating meat on the weekend, is that our bodies used to not have meat available all the time like we do now; and our portion sizes for meat are all off, where as our meat is the main dish, veggies should be the main piece. I thought it made alot of sense, not to mention it will save me money! I have hit a plateau in my weight loss, so I am giving it a shot! My days meals went as follows:

Breakfast: Oatmeal and almond nut butter

Snack: Energy trail mix

lunch: Sauteed butternut squash and sweet potatoes.

Snack: Luna bar

Dinner: Sweet potato rounds sauteed in sweet onions and tofu noodles! (Pictured above!).

May I just saw how much I love sweet onions!?

I feel good so far! Got a lot done today and felt full with all the veggies in my belly!


Have a great day guys!

Sparkle and Shine!

Kelsie ❤